Here goes the story attached to my title:
Scene 1: In Jen's car on the way to Kahala Mall to see which clothing stores are hiring.
ME: Oh my God! JEN! We should take a photo with the Easter Bunny to commemorate that we were unemployed during Easter!
JEN: That would be fun! We should do that!
Little did we know that taking a photo with the Easter Bunny would leave us feeling icky instead of all warm and fuzzy.
While getting our photo taken, I notice (and so did Jen) that this Easter Bunny was more touchy-touchy than most others. He was rubbing our sides kind of like how your boyfriend would rub your sides when he's holding you from behind.
I get up to leave but as Jen tries to walk away, the Bunny grabs her arm...she turns around thinking "Oh, maybe it's one of our friends in that bunny suit..." but the Bunny gives her two packets of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans and waves good bye.
I guess it wouldn't have been too bad if we never got to see who was in the Bunny suit...but we did. An hour or two later, we come across the Bunny going into one of the vacant store suites at the mall...we knew he was going in there to change out of his costume but we didn't know that inside the bunny suit was an OLDer male -- imagine a Mall Santa Claus' -- that kind of OLD. I mean hey, if we continued to think that a super hot guy with a life guard body was in that bunny suit feeling us up, the "ick" factor probably wouldn't be so high!
So while we aren't scarred or anything, I think we may think twice about taking an Easter photo next year.

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